Starting your own family is not as easy as it seems. It takes years of preparation. You have to make sure that you are ready in everything. For instance, provide shelter, prepare for your children’s future, hospitalization, etc. If you are a soon-to-be parent, you will have a hard time adjusting. But do not panic. All first-time parents have been on the same situation as you do and they have successfully raised healthy children. And if you spare yourself from the hassle weeks before you give birth, prepare these baby must/haves.

Your baby will be spending most his or her time sleeping. That is why you have to invest on a crib. The crib should be a safe environment for your baby. Check the headboard and footboard and make sure that the slats are not more than 6 cm. broadly spaced slats can cause injury and worse death. Also, stay away from decorative cut-outs as your baby’s head can be trapped in them. Get a brand new crib so you will have peace of mind that it is safe. However, you still need to check it regularly to be sure that there are no rough edges on the side. The mattress should be of the same size as the crib so there are no gaps that can trap any body part of your baby.
Start using a comforter as early as 4 months old. Put it in your baby’s bed to make him or her feel relaxed. Do not place stuffed animals in your baby’s crib to avoid accidents from taking place. Also, it saves space. When you shop for a baby comforter, make sure that it is free from anything that can cause suffocation.
Buy baby clothes that are hypoallergenic. Choose one size ahead of your baby’s actual age as babies grow up fast. Moreover, do not overspend. But if you can’t help to buy an expensive outfit, make sure that it is good value for money. You can shop online or at your favourite stores near you.
If you want to take your baby outdoors, you need to get a stroller. Finding one primarily depends on your lifestyle and budget. Not only that, you have to ask yourself: Where are you going to use it? Do you have space at home where you can store it? How many children who will use it? If you love to travel, consider an umbrella stroller. It is lightweight and you can store it anywhere easily. If umbrella stroller is not for your baby, you can choose from car seat carrier, double stroller, full-sized stroller, jogging stroller and travel system. Read each pro and cons so you will know what is best for your baby.

Your baby is one of the best blessings you can ever receive. It will not be easy for the first few weeks. It is okay and you do not have to worry about it. But you will get the hang of it eventually.